Release Notes Jan 26, 2022

Thu. Jan 27, 2022

Turbine Release


1. Course Catalog Updates

1.1 Search

A search bar has been added to the course catalog.

1.2 Search Engine

Courses will be displayed which partially or fully contain the search term in their course title, description or tags. After entering a search term, course groups will be collapsed and show the number of courses that match the search next to each group title.

1.2 Group Expand/Collapse

Course Groups can be expanded or collapsed using the “Expand” switch at any time. Each group can also be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the Course Group title. This feature is available while viewing courses in Group view.

1.3 Group/List View

Organization owners have an additional control to display courses by Group or not by clicking “Group” and selecting “List”. This feature will eventually be accessible to all user roles.