Is Turbine Workforce an LMS?

Turbine Workforce is a Workforce Optimization platform. One of the platform's applications is with an awesome LMS.

I already have an LMS. Can I keep my current LMS?

Yes, 100%. The features that yield time-saving, workload-reducing benefits, like Enhanced Attendance and Certificate Automation, are available without the LMS.

Do users need to have an AccessNet or NetID account?
LOL, No.
Can internal trainings and external courses be displayed in the same user interface?
Yes. Turbine brings all your upskill content or courses into one user experience without changing anything. All that is needed is an absolute URL.
Can credit-earning students and non-credit students be managed in the same cohort & class instance?
How does Turbine support Workforce Development?
Turbine integrates U.S. Department of Labor developer APIs, O*Net codes, and DOL classifications, so job profiles, competencies, outcomes and reporting uses DOL codification. This means your WIOA reporting is automated, requires less work and saves time.