
For hands-on, competency-based and work-based learning

One platform to teach, build capacity and scale

Schools that have, or have tried to deliver, STEAM education program(s) know how difficult it is to do and to scale. Turbine to enable school administrators and educators to meet STEAM obligations, build or install capacity, and scale.

The all-in-one coverage and specialized features of Turbine reduce a school’s need for on-staff STEAM competency and enable sharing of scarce resources - like instruction, curricula, educational robots and devices.

Turbine enables involvement of regional employers and workforce development boards and better connects to industry and job skills.

Powerful Curricula Management System

Onboarding Compliance Workflow

Syndicated Courses

Onboarding Compliance Workflow

Enhanced Attendance & Grading

Onboarding Compliance Workflow

Involve Regional Employers & Industry

Onboarding Compliance Workflow

Research that guides our tech roadmap.